*to contact us please use the following: firstname.lastname@ebc.uu.se; except if indicated by a separate link.

Our Team

Jakobsson Lab Alumni

Alumni with Mattias Jakobsson as a primary supervisor

Luciana Simoes

PhD March 2023 (→ postdoc at UU)

James McKenna

PhD Jan 2023 (→ postdoc Trondheim U)

Rita Peyroteo Stjerna

postdoc 2016-2022 (→ postdoc at Göteborg U)

Nina Hollfelder

postdoc 2019-2022 (→ at SciLifeLab UU)

Sohini Ramachandran

guest researcher, Natural Sciences SCAS Fellow, 2019 (Brown University, USA)

Tiina Mattila

postdoc 2018-2021 (→ postdoc at Oulu U)

Maximilian Larena

postdoc 2014-2021, (→ researcher at UU)

Gwenna Breton

PhD Sept 2020, (→ bioinformatician at Gothenburg U)

Alexandra Coutinho

PhD Jan 2020

Federico Sanchez Quinto

postdoc 2015-2019 (→ at Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica, Mexico City)

Arielle Munters

bioinformatician 2015-2019 (→ bioinformatician at Uppsala Hospital)

Thijessen Naidoo

PhD Nov 2018 (→ at aDNA Unit of the SciLife Lab)

Torsten Günther

2013-2018 (→ researcher at UU)

Emma Svensson

postdoc 2014-2018 (→ at UU admin)

Nina Hollfelder

PhD Feb 2018 (→ bioinformatician at Uppsala U)

Helena Malmström

postdoc 2012-2019 (→ researcher at UU)

Carina Schlebusch

postdoc 2010-2015 (→ professor at UU)

Gulsah Merve Dal Kilinc

visiting postdoc from METU, Turkey; EMBO fellowship (2016)

Marta Burri

postdoc 2016 (→ postdoc at MPI Jena)

Agnès Sjöstrand

PhD Nov 2015 (→ postdoc at INSERM, Paris)

Lucie Gattepaille

PhD Oct 2015 (→ scientist at Uppsala Monitoring Centre)

Irene Urena

postdoc 2015-2016 (→ postdoc at CIBIO/U Porto)

Amy Goldberg

visiting PhD student, Stanford, USA (2015)

Pontus Skoglund

PhD Oct 2013 (→ PI at Crick Institute, London)

Ricardo Valela

visiting PhD student from Madrid (2013)

Solenn Stoeckel

Visiting postdoc (2012)

Sen Li

PhD Dec 2012 (→ at Copenhagen U)

Other Alumni
Tatiana Ruiz

Tatiana conducted her Master’s project in the lab, working on ancient DNA analyses of human remains from the Scandinavian Funnel Beaker Culture. She is now conducting her PhD research at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Susanne Bjornerfeldt

Susanne worked as a research engineer in the lab and continues this job now at the SciLife lab.

Olaf Thalmann

Olaf was in charge of the lab’s web presence. Also, he developed Paleo-epigenomic ideas that he is now pursuing as an Assistant Professor at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland.

Mario Vicente

Mario was a PhD student in the Lab, and he is now affiliated with the Schlebusch Lab.

Lena Granehäll

Lena worked as a research assistant in the ancient DNA lab for 1,5 years, followed by a PhD in ancient pathogens at the Mummy Institute at Eurac Reasarch, Bolzano.

Berenice Villegaz-Ramirez

Berenice was assisting us in the ancient lab for over a year and is now exploring the world for interesting opportunities, which she found in the Immler lab at Uppsala University

Irene Ureña Herradón

Irene was a research assistant in the ancient DNA lab for 1,5 years; then she worked as a postdoc with Catarina Ginja at CIBIO in Porto, Portugal. She continues her ancient DNA work on cattle.

Anders Sjölander

Anders conducted his MSc work with us and became a bioinformatician at the SciLifeLab.

Jingzi Xu

Jingzi was an MSc student in our lab.

Khalis Afnan

Khalis was a MEME Master’s student in our lab.

Robin Olsson

Robin worked as a bioinformatician in our lab for 1,5 years and now has a position at the KTH in Stockholm.

Jose Manuel Monroy Kuhn

Jose conducted his MSc in our lab and is now pursuing a PhD.

Joachim Karlsson

Joachim was a student involved in a bioinformatics project where he developed a method to systematically predict phenotypes based on SNP information.

Ayca Omrak

Ayca was a research assistant and is now a co-supervised PhD student.

Katie Owers

Katie investigated signs of selection and the potential impact of infectious diseases on indigenous African populations for her Master of Science degree.

Nicolas DuForet-Frebourg

Nicolas was a Master’s student in the lab during the spring of 2011. He developed a method for incorporating haplotype information into population structure inference tools.

Hiba Babiker

Hiba conducted her Master’s project in the lab from July 2009 to June 2010. Her research focused on exploring patterns of variation in populations from East Africa, particularly Sudan. Hiba is now a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany.

Patrik Båtelsson

Patrik used simulations to study the colonization of Europe by anatomically modern humans during his Master of Science project.