Media coverage



Mysterious ‘Battle Axe Culture’ reveals its secrets thanks to DNA discovery, Fox News

By James Rogers Fox News

These Megalithic Tombs Contain the Remains of More Than 10 Generations of Stone Age Europeans, DNA Analysis Reveals, Newsweek


Happy 350,000th birthday: Study pushes back Homo sapiens origins, Reuters

Our study, Southern African ancient genomes estimate modern human divergence to 350,000 to 260,000 years ago, published in Science by Carina Schlebusch and others (2017), received ample media attention.

Some of the media reports are listed below:
Some of the media reports:

Other newspapers that have picked up our study included: The Washington Post, NBC, ABC News, The New York Times, The Japan Times

in Swedish:

In Russian:

In German:

De var de första svenskarna, SVT

Our work on the settlement of ancient Sweden was broadcast by the Swedish TV as part of the documentary series “Vetenskapens Värld” (sesong 26, episode 17 – in Swedish).

The findings were also presented in the SVT Nyheter De var de första svenskarna (2017) and Möt de första svenskarna (both in Swedish).

In 2019, a documentary program was broadcast on this particular research:

There’s no such thing as a ‘pure’ European—or anyone else, Science News

The Ann Gibbons’ article in Science News “There’s no such thing as a ‘pure’ European—or anyone else” (based on the interview with Mattias Jakobsson, among others) dives into diversity and migrations.

16 May 2017

Thousands of horsemen may have swept into Bronze Age Europe, transforming the local population, Science News

Europeans may be descendants of a massive migration of men from the Russian steppe.

The migration wave into Neolithic Europe was sex-biased as described in our paper: “Ancient X chromosomes reveal contrasting sex bias in Neolithic and Bronze Age Eurasian migrations.”

Some of the media reports:
  • Science (21.02.2017)
  • NZZ (Neue Zuericher Zeitung, 23.02.2017)
  • Sverige Radio SR (22.02.2017)
  • UNT (Så spreds jordbruket till Europa; 21.02.2017)


Så spreds jordbruket till Europa, UNT

Här spåras stenålderns migration, Forskning & Framsteg

15 Mar 2016

By extracting DNA from skeletons, archaeologists can map ancient migration patterns and life destinies with a wealth of detail that was previously completely unimaginable. A new picture of our origins is emerging.

An article explaining and summarizing our research was published in Forskning & Framsteg, 15 Mar 2016 (in Swedish)


Ancient DNA cracks puzzle of Basque origins, BBC News

Some of the media reports:

Uppsala University Podcasts – #8 Mattias Jakobsson

11 Nov 2015

Uppsala University presented Mattias Jakobsson and his research in one of the podcasts (in Swedish)


African neighbours divided by their genes, Nature

Complex African history described in the 2012 Science paper “Genomic variation in seven Khoe-San groups reveals adaptation and complex African history” sparked the interest of media outlets.

Some of the media reports:

Farming ‘spread by migrant wave’, BBC News

The 2012 Science paper: “Origins and Genetic Legacy of Neolithic Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers in Europe” appears in several media outlets.

Some of the media reports:

Genes shed light on spread of agriculture in Stone Age Europe

One of the most debated developments in human history is the transition from hunter-gatherer to agricultural societies. The Swedish-Danish research team presents the genetic findings which show that agriculture spread to Northern Europe via migration from Southern Europe.

An interview with Mattias Jakobsson, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala University. 26 Apr 2012