Tag: human past
Investigating population continuity and ghost admixture among ancient genomes
Co-authors from the Jakobsson Lab. The recent paper by McKenna, Bernhardsson, Waxham, Jakobsson and Sjödin (2024) is published in HPGG. […]
Genomic ancestry and social dynamics of the last hunter-gatherers of Atlantic France
A new article on exogamic practices of hunter-gatherers, by Simões et al. (2024) was published in PNAS, Anthropology. Significance Since […]
Explaining human evolution: Ny populärvetenskaplig skrift berättar om människans evolution (Swedish)
Science says – about human evolution is the fifth in a series of popular science writings from the Royal Swedish […]
New grant from the Swedish Research Council
Mattias Jakobsson received funds to start a new project, A genetic model for the evolution of H. sapiens, from 1 […]
Multidisciplinary investigation reveals an individual of West African origin buried in a Portuguese Mesolithic shell midden four centuries ago
A multidisciplinary approach to an old burial site reveals new secrets in the human past. The article, by Peyroteo Stjerna […]
Multiple migrations to the Philippines during the last 50,000 years
An article in PNAS described as the largest and most comprehensive DNA-mapping study of the Philippines, by Larena et al. […]
The Neolithic Pitted Ware culture foragers were culturally but not genetically influenced by the Battle Axe culture herders
A study by Coutinho et al. (2020) combines archaeological and genetic information to understand better Battle Axe cultural influences discovered […]
Where do the Scandinavians come from?
Have you ever wondered where Scandinavians came from? Watch a new video from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation about our work […]
Health change with the transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers
Mattias Jakobsson gave a short interview (video on Meta account Evolutionen och du – in Swedish) about the health consequences associated […]
Long-term dietary change in Atlantic and Mediterranean Iberia with the introduction of agriculture: a stable isotope perspective
Rita was part of a study investigating the dietary changes associated with the introduction of agriculture into the Iberian peninsula. The authors […]